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What’s the NIEV project about? 

NIE Networks’ forecasts suggest that by 2030 there will be in the region of 300,000 electric vehicles (EVs) registered in Northern Ireland. It is expected that 80% of these EVs will likely be charged primarily at home. This increase in demand combined with an increase in the electrification of heat and industry is expected to add significant stress to the distribution network.

One avenue to relieve this increase in demand is the concept of intelligent charging; altering the charging profile of EVs to optimise available electricity network capacity whilst minimising the impact on EV drivers. This can in turn lead to the deferral of costly network reinforcement.

The NI Electric Vehicle (NIEV) Intelligent Charging project has been initiated to explore this concept and to demonstrate its application in Northern Ireland. The project is seeking to recruit participants who regularly charge EVs at their home to take part in a 20-month trial, planned to commence in September 2024.

NIEV Objectives

  • Understand the effects of domestic EV charging on Northern Ireland’s distribution network.
  • Design and implement a system to facilitate EV intelligent charging.
  • Evaluate the impact of intelligent charging on customer lifestyle.
  • Consideration of whole system operation and how intelligent charging can co-ordinate with multiple stakeholders such as the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and energy suppliers.
  • Develop planning and operational techniques so that intelligent EV charging techniques can be co-ordinated with established flexibility techniques.

Thank you for your interest. Registrations for this trial have now closed.