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What's the project about

Our Demand Reduction through Voltage Control (DRVC) project is investigating how actively managing network voltages can reduce peak network demands, freeing up capacity to connect further demand. The project is evaluating Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR), which takes advantage of the relationship between voltage and demand of certain types of demand and offers a technique to reduce peak demands.

We are adjusting  project consists of actively reducing the voltage for customers, within statutory limits, to reduce demand. This is achieved by controlling the voltage at the primary substation (33/11kV). This reduction in voltage will reduce customers’ demand and therefore can reduce the maximum load on the network. The project will also assess the potential for NIE Networks to provide whole system benefits by using voltage control in response to a frequency event and tap stagger to manage reactive power flow.


The key objectives of the DRVC project are:

  • Assess the relationship between voltage and demand in order to dynamically predict the demand reduction which could be achieved using DRVC
  • Assess the impact to customers and quantify any energy savings achieved
  • Reduce the maximum load at a primary substation to defer expensive traditional reinforcement and to facilitate further demand on the network
  • Quantify load types on the network
  • Assess the potential for NIE Networks to use voltage control in response to a frequency event and tap stagger to manage reactive power flow


  • Consultants appointed to support the project team
  • Technology assessment completed
  • Trial sites configured to allow trials to commence
  • Tap reduction trials commenced March 2023
