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Electric vehicle owners needed for new innovation trial

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1 Jul 2024

NIE Networks is inviting interested Electric Vehicle (EV) owners to take part in their latest, large-scale innovation trial.

As EVs become more popular, the Northern Ireland EV (NIEV) Intelligent Charging Project will explore how to spread that demand on the network, benefitting drivers and the wider public.

Naomi Morrow, NIEV Project Manager from NIE Networks, explained: “Typically, our network experiences a surge in demand as people come home and turn on appliances.  With the adoption of electric vehicles, we expect that this will increase as people plug their vehicle in to charge.
The NIEV project will test ways of spreading EV charging throughout the night to reduce this surge.  Drivers will plug their vehicle as normal but charging may take place when demand on the network is lower.  The vehicle would always be ready for when the driver needs it.”
An intelligent charging system could also ensure that lowest cost and least carbon intensive electricity is used to charge electric vehicles.  This would maximise the environmental benefits of a transition to renewable energy and ensure the electricity system exploits any available flexibility.
Naomi continued: “The trial will officially start in September and I would encourage anyone interested in being a part of it to please sign up and help us to lead the way to a net zero carbon future.”
Those who take part in the trial can expect to receive:
  • £25 sign up bonus after completing their first smart charge
  • £5 per month for continuing to smart charge through the trial
  • Up to £70 for completing online surveys and joining focus groups
To support a greener future by charging your EV with renewable energy where possible and assist us in building a resilient and affordable electricity network for us all please sign up now.