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Budget Estimate for New Connections

Are you considering applying for a new domestic or commercial connection up to 69KVA? (e.g. up to 4 houses or small shop)

If you'd like to receive an initial estimate of the likely connection costs before you send us your application, take a look at our budget estimate tool.

With our budget estimate tool, you can indicate your proposed connection and receive a high-level estimate.

The tool, which is currently in Prototype stage (Beta release) and may not cover all geographical areas initially (currently around 60%), but will continue to be enhanced over the coming months.

While using the tool you may make a connection to a network which is represented with either an Amber or Green line. Red or Grey lines may not be connected at this time.

Your feedback is welcome in helping us enhance your experience, please send any feedback to

Try our budget estimate tool

Before you begin, please take a look at the Budget Estimate Guide, or if you have questions please check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Budget Estimate Guide Budget Estimate FAQs

It's also useful to have the following information to hand:

  • The postcode of the location where the connection is required, or if this has not yet been assigned, then the nearest known postcode
  • The type of connection you need
  • The number of connections you need
  • For any commercial connections, what is the required capacity?
  • The distance of your connection from the existing network

Land & Property Services © Crown Copyright and database right [2024] Licence No. 1006

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